Inclusivity in the Classroom: VLE – Equality for You


As a consequence of equality audits, it was identified that some staff were not always sure where to find relevant information with regard to equalities. In an attempt to make information readily accessible it was decided that as part of the remit of the Equality and Diversity strategy group, to develop a resource on the VLE – “Equality for You”. On the recommendation of the student representative on the group it was decided to make this resource available to both staff and learners. The resources consist of information specific to Motherwell College, including notes of meetings, general information on equality, equality impact assessments and each of the 9 protected characteristics is listed with web-links, power points and videos clips that can be used either in class, placement or during individual study. Various links were incorporated to college policies to show how they link with the equality agenda. To assist with the dissemination of the new development, the e-learning technologist included pop-up announcements for staff and learners. Presentations were made at the Head and Support Mangers’ meeting and Learning and Teaching committee. To maintain currency, updates are undertaken weekly and in the first two months since launch the resource had been accessed by more than 240 individuals.
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