Plotting a route through SoTL: From bioscientist to pedagogic researcher


Despite increasing interest and engagement with SoTL the definition of, and what activities constitute, SoTL remain open to debate. This paper is aimed at life science academics whose primary role is within teaching and learning. It aims to provide support in plotting a route through SoTL to enhance professional practice, student learning, and consider promotion and reward. Given the current focus on teaching quality this paper may also be of use in a wider context.

We explore models of SoTL, opportunities and pitfalls in SoTL, and strategies to develop an understanding of, and engagement with SoTL. In the latter part of this paper we consider colleagues’ experiences with SoTL, outlining the benefits of SoTL in enhancing individual practice and the student experience, leading to the development of an audit tool to encourage educators to reflect on their SOTL practice.



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