Feedback is arguably the most important aspect of an assessment process, but its impacts are highly variable. Although universities have begun exploring new feedback types, very little is known about the impact of these on students’ academic performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of three types of feedback (written; audio; and face-to-face) on the academic performance of level six undergraduate students. This study recruited 91 level six physical education students from a University in the South of England. The students completed two assessments (A and B) that were assessed according to the same assessment criteria. Following Assessment A the students received either written feedback, audio feedback, or face-to-face feedback. The students were advised to utilise the feedback to positively impact their academic performance in Assessment B. The effect of the feedback on student grades between the two assessment points was measured. Analysis of the results showed a significant effect depending on the feedback type. Written feedback had limited impact on the assessment grade. However, both audio and face-to-face feedback resulted in a significant improvement in assessment grade. The findings suggest that audio and face-to-face feedback may enhance student engagement in the feedback process and that these types of feedback could improve academic performance by offering richer and clearer feedback.
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