"Be a Biotech Buddy" - Enterprise Competition for Bioscience Students


"Be a Biotech Buddy" is an online competition run by colleagues in the Institute of Biomedical & Life Sciences and Student Enterprise at Glasgow University. The object of the competition is to introduce bioscience students to the world of business, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Students volunteer to take part in the competition, which is run for one week. Each day, students are sent a scenario with three possible solutions, each of which has a weighting according to its business or scientific merit. Students have to choose their solution, then justify their choice in 100 words or less. Topics for the scenarios are taken from current news stories. They are written in an entertaining fashion, but there is a serious scientific dilemma behind each one. Students return their answers to staff to be marked, and feedback is given on the business and scientific content of the answers. The winner and two runners up are given a cash prize at the end of the competition.
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