Editorial July 2015


Editorial July 2015 In the words of Etta James – ‘At last’. The sun was shining last Friday (and I hear a rumour it will again) and we are at the end of another academic year here in the UK. It has been a very busy and highly rewarding year here at Bristol as we roll out our learning and teaching developments and continue to embed the scholarship of teaching and learning in our practises. After a bit of a delay we are very pleased to share this issue with all our readers. In this issue we have three papers for you to enjoy. In the paper by Truebano and Munn they explore how video tutorials developed student’s confidence and competence in laboratory practical skills and propose the best balance of using videos as part of the students’ learning experiences. We then move to two papers that look at aspects of employability. Dickinson, Binns and Divan describe a project that explored masters level student’s perceptions of the role of having greater employer engagement during their masters programmes. We then move on to the paper by Atkinson that examines how ‘graduateness’ is articulated through course learning outcomes and how this can, with greater articulation, promote transparency between the learning from different courses and graduate attributes.
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